List of definitions as asked for in project 9. Sources will be numbered and placed at bottom.
Global Variable - A variable that can be changed anywhere in the program. (1, 2, 3)
Global Variable - A variable that can be changed anywhere in the program. (1, 2, 3)
Local Variable -A variable that is only available within some smaller scope or function (1, 2, 3)
Elementary Data Types
- Character - Any given symbol or letter, (a % Q ; could all be characters) (1, 3, 4)
- String - A set of characters, usually a word but not necessarily, (America, $!@sadc, QWERTY could all be considered strings) (1, 3, 4)
- Integer - Any whole number, so no fractions or decimals (1 16 72 would be integers, 1/2 5.7 .66 would not) (1, 4, 5)
- Floating - Similar to an integer, only it may contain parts (such as 1/2, 5.7, or .66) (1, 4, 5)
- Boolean - A true or false variable, often used with operands such as AND, OR, OF THEN, EXCEPT, and NOT (1, 4, 5)
Data Identifier (name) - The classification of an element (1, 6, 7)
Its Data Type -Classification of a particular type of information, such as int char or string (1, 7, 8)
Its Memory Address -Place on the hard-disk that is referenced for where the data resides. (1, 9, 10)
A Variable -Some symbol or name that stands for some value and is subject to change. (1, 8, 10)
Literal -A value that has been written exactly as it is meant to be interpreted, and is not subject to change (1, 10, 4)
Constant -A name or value that cannot be changed (1, 10, 4)
Number Base Systems
BASE 2 - Number Base System using 2 integers, 1 and 0m this is the language computers use, it's an on/off system (1, 4, 11)
BASE 10 -Number Base System using 10 integers, 0-9 this is the one most people are familiar with (1, 4, 11)
BASE 16 -Number Base System using 16 integers, 0-9 and A-F, used for memory location identifiers (1, 4, 11)
Floating Point - The system used for representing numbers too large or small to be represented by integers, the number that can be represented is: Significant Digits * Base^exponent (1, 12, 13)
Decimal Data Representation -Data representation is the manner in which data (ints, strings, chars, etc.) are stored on the computer. (1, 18, 19)
Relative Addressing- An addressing scheme which allows for a domain to be taken from one server and placed to another without changing the links, as the links are relative to your current position in the domain (10, 16, 17)
Data Types and Data Abstraction
- File - Block of arbitrary information (1, 4, 10)
- Record - A group of fields of a single field treated as a unit. (1, 4, 10)
- Array - A grouping or series of objects, usually in rows and columns. (1, 4, 10)
Ex: [1, 0, 5, 10, 6, 6, 1, 10]
2. Multi Dimension - Multiple rows and columns
2. Multi Dimension - Multiple rows and columns
Ex: [1, 5, 6, 7, 5
2, 7, 1, 0, 8]
Language Statements
(all 1, 10, 20 for this section)
A. Natural Language Statements/Grammar and Logic - The idea of making programming statements that uses the grammar of the human language.
B. Artificial Language Statements/Syntax and Semantics - An artificial language designed to express the accounts that can be carried out by the device. Can be used for to create programs that control the behavior of the device, to express algorithms precisely, or a form of human contact
C. Input/Output Statements - Part of the program that tells the computer how to take and use information from input devices or send that information out of an output device.
D. Assignment Statements - Statement that sets a variable to a value
E. Program Design Language (PDL) - Meta Language - Methodology of designing and documenting methods and procedures in programming. Written in plain language without any conditions that would indicate use of a language or library.
1.Syntax Diagrams - Schemes such as flow charts for organizing the flow of programs.
2.BNF - Formal way to describe the mathematical language devloped to describe the syntax of programming language.
F. Elementary Language Statements and Structured Language Statement
1.Assignment and Unconditional Statements - Assignment statements assign a value to something, unconditional statements allow you to direct the program to another part without an assessment of conditions.
2.Selection and Looping Statement - Selection statements are used to determine what and when code should be executed, looping statements are used to run the same part of code a certain number of times.
(all 1, 10, 20 for this section)
A. Natural Language Statements/Grammar and Logic - The idea of making programming statements that uses the grammar of the human language.
B. Artificial Language Statements/Syntax and Semantics - An artificial language designed to express the accounts that can be carried out by the device. Can be used for to create programs that control the behavior of the device, to express algorithms precisely, or a form of human contact
C. Input/Output Statements - Part of the program that tells the computer how to take and use information from input devices or send that information out of an output device.
D. Assignment Statements - Statement that sets a variable to a value
E. Program Design Language (PDL) - Meta Language - Methodology of designing and documenting methods and procedures in programming. Written in plain language without any conditions that would indicate use of a language or library.
1.Syntax Diagrams - Schemes such as flow charts for organizing the flow of programs.
2.BNF - Formal way to describe the mathematical language devloped to describe the syntax of programming language.
F. Elementary Language Statements and Structured Language Statement
1.Assignment and Unconditional Statements - Assignment statements assign a value to something, unconditional statements allow you to direct the program to another part without an assessment of conditions.
2.Selection and Looping Statement - Selection statements are used to determine what and when code should be executed, looping statements are used to run the same part of code a certain number of times.
Expressions Components
A.Operators, Operands and Results
A.Operators, Operands and Results
- Unary- An operation with only one operand, (+, -. *, / etc.) (1, 4, 14)
- Binary- Having 2 operands (1, 4, 14)
- Arithmetic -A mathematical equation (1, 4, 10)
- Logical - Equations regarding boolean (true/false) logic (1, 4, 10)
- Relational - An expression comparing 2 objects, usually returns a true/false value (such as x > y) (1, 10, 15)
- Unconditional (Not Boolean) - A result not pertaining to true/false logic (i.e. an integer or string) (1, 5, 10)
- Conditional (Boolean) - A result pertaining to true/false logic (1, 5, 10)
- True -Statement is correct
- False -Statement is not correct
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